DIfine Fitness; Energy & Rehabilitation
Have you guys ever heard about the process of the polarity complex? The reason for living, breathing, movement in general? Yes? No?
Well, if NOT, here’s a fun perspective on Energy and a Fun read on Further Habitual lifestyles you can carry throughout the rest of your journey. Based off of finds through Dr. Stone and a winner of the LAMBERTS BOOK OF THE YEAR AWARD. I present -
The Polarity Process
(Franklyn Sills)
I found this book and purchased it for about 10¢ on one of my Corner thrift store days. Yep! One of those goodwill stores that store all of the items in 10¢ bins where you can weigh as many things as possible for 1$/LB.
INSANE FIND very proud of it and grateful it found its way in my life.
ANYWAYS! This book is literally just like the name of the title. A huge Process- Life? A huge Process- Recognition? A huge Process- Truth?
It is up to you on whether or not you can keep an open mind and read about this fascinating theory on World Views vs. Viewing Energy as a Healing Art!
The Macrocosm Connection
What is a MacroCosm? What do you mean connection?
Macrocosms originated in the 15th century from the Old French and Medieval Latin meaning the whole , complex structure especially the world or the universe. In simpler terms it means -everything that exists…
The polarity process (according to Dr. Stone) is defined as “Unity is the merging of these currents into one Essence. Creation brings forth opposites by its centrifugal force… manifestation flowing out to the limits of the cosmos and of each pattern unit.”
The Polarity Principle states that everything has a polar opposite, an attraction and a negation, which allows certain properties or powers in different parts or directions.
Don’t Worry! From the depth of this one quote- I already knew that it was going to be a tough read and A LOT of questions/theories of my own.
BREAK IT DOWN. Woah, so you’re telling me that Everything is connected. Like our Fathers in Physics (AKA Descartes and Newton) figured out these laws of movement and creation of energy?
Can we take a second to appreciate the ideals and principles that were made back in the day? - they did help us see the world-view of things and with VERY little resource.
It’s crazy to think that these Theories were actually based off of one's curiosity. So much that nowadays we can break down materials all the way down to the atom and can now BREAK IT DOWN even further [solid objects are in CONSTANT motion]
Studies and experiments that have gone on for centuries have already proven that Solid objects are in fact not solid at all, only in the material view of things it is seen. For example: A chair broken down is a bunch of little buzzing atoms that form a solid base in Constant MOTION .
Everything is connected and interchanging, just like the process of an everyday Human life. Take a second to appreciate the ever moving parts of the body and Gratitude for where we are at today! And CREATE the energy in the direction you want